What we offer.

Now that you've looked around...
Thanks for dropping by and taking a look at what we do! In a nutshell, we provide a searchable platform that allows you to discover local small businesses to help bring back that sense of community we had years ago. Look, technology isn't going to go away, love it or hate it, but why not leverage those capabilities? Sure, you can go it alone - create a website and tons of social media accounts you need to invest time and money into maintaining.
Trust us, we've all been down that road! We're not saying don't have a website and social media, what we're saying is let us help introduce you to your neighbours. These are the folks that are looking for you, they just need a little help.

Family ties are strong ties
As part of the SLG family of small businesses, we provide you with a virtual billboard that plugs into a network of other businesses. Shoppers can find you by being in your area, or by using search.
Your information can include 4 photos or videos, business description, contact information, and link to your social media or website. Our technical team also has the ability to create system highlights and affordable ad spots to further boost your business. Stay tuned because our team loves to add new features!

What's the catch
There's always a catch, right? SLG is pretty simple: $5 a month / $60 a year. That's it. No hidden strings. No surcharges. Your business is up there with the big players, on the same field, helping to keep those dollars in the community.
We do the rest - and can even help you with creating a catchy description. Visit our contact page and let's have a chat!