Before you begin...

Once you click submit your application is sent IMMEDIATELY, as is, and you should expect a wait of approximately 24 hours before we add your listing to the system.
Applying to have your business added may require us to verify information you have provided. Please be patient as it does take time! We will attempt to contact you by phone and/or email and if we have not received a response within 72 hours your application will be deleted.
All listings MUST be paid before becoming available to shoppers.

 Tell the World About YOU!

Business Name

Business Type *think of this as a comma-separated keyword field for searches

Street / Mailing Address

Suite, Box


Province, State, or Region *you may use abbreviations

Postal / Zip Code



 The Marketing Stuff


Web / Social link * You can enter your website address OR your main social media link

Tag Line * Enter up to 256 characters as teaser text to encourage shoppers to view your info.

Full Description * Enter your full business description here NO HTML.

 The Really Cool Stuff!!

This is the section we've reserved for your multimedia files! Please note that you will have to send us an email and attach your media there. As a hint, your first file named here will be what comes back in search results. 4Mb individual size limit, please.

Media File 1

Media File 2

Media File 3

Media File 4

BEFORE you press submit, take a moment to review your info. We will respond within 24 hours.